Company Overview
Bumiraya Setia Sdn. Bhd. (BSSB) is a private limited company specializing in pipe jacking and micro-tunneling. Its business also extended to installation of box culvert jacking and construction of caissons. BSSB was established in 23 September, 2008 by Lim Chee Seng who has more than 40 years of experience in trenchless technology in both project management and technical skills. Our team has successfully completed not less than 800 pipe jacking and micro-tunneling projects. Among the major projects involved were Construction of the Sewage Treatment Plant Project at Old Klang Road Trunk Sewer and Petaling Jaya Trunk Sewer.
The largest project was awarded has completed successfully Cadangan Pembinaan Centralised Sewage Treatment Plant dan Penyambungan Rangkaian Paip Pembentungan di kawasan Tadahan Lembangan Sungai Langat Secara Reka dan Bina or also known as Langat Sewerage Project, under client MMC PLSB Sdn Bhd. With a catchment area of 60.9 sq km that stretches from Cheras Batu 11 to Kajang, the facility can accommodate an influx of 920,000 population equivalents (PE). The sewage pipe diameters that range from 225 to 1500 mm. 25 meters is the deepest depth. For the completion this project, we use slurry and manshield as our methods.
Bumiraya Setia Sdn. Bhd. 是一家专门从事顶管和微型隧道工程的私人有限公司。它的业务还扩展到板桩的安装和拆卸,箱涵顶进和沉箱的建造。 BSSB由林治成先生于2008年9月23日成立,他在项目管理和技术技能方面拥有40多年的非开挖技术经验。在这些年中,公司积极参与了马来西亚和新加坡的顶管和微型隧道项目。除此之外, 本公司在成立以來成功完成了不少于800个顶管和微型隧道工程。为了了解需求并满足客户的满意度并在非开挖技术行业中保持竞争力,BSSB并将继续招聘在相关领域具有多年经验的技术和专业人才。